Sunday, December 23, 2012

Securing Myself

Some of us wish we could go back in time to repair, build, or improve our own secure attachments.

I have a close relationship with both my parents now. Even though I have no complaints about my childhood, the inner child in each of us still wishes he or she had had something more.

What child is happy when told, "No," or that he or she can't have all the candy they want. Even when I had a mom that didn't hold back on the sugar, I still have society's influence making me feel like I can't have everything I want.

Anyway, the key is meeting and building a relationship with the inner child within. I've been spending 17 seconds with my inner child, and the healing has begun.

Our ten year old has been finding out what her inner child likes to do for fun. Our twelve year old has been feeding her inner child all the chocolate straws she wants!

Go find a picture of yourself when you were little. Pull it out of the album and put it next to your bed. Smile at your little you.

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