Friday, April 9, 2010

Epiphany about Peanut Butter and Jelly!

I figured out why peanut butter and jelly feels so primal, comforting, and satisfying! It comes from our days as hunters and gatherers, finding nuts and berries.

I make my own trail mix for the car, in case any family members get hungry. I read about how good walnuts and blueberries are for our brains. I found some dried blueberries at Costco and in bulk at Fred Meyers. I decided to throw some of those in the trail mix as well as some dried cranberries, and dried "Zante" currants. Of course you can add your favorite nuts and raisins and M & Ms, of course. When there isn't any chocolate, though, it makes me think of peanut butter and jelly!

It always does more than fills the tummy until we can get home; it also puts a smile on our faces.

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